Hackers trace ISIS Twitter accounts to United Kingdom government department


A group of teenagers claim to have uncovered a link between United Kingdom government IP addresses and ISIS Twitter accounts.

The group of four teenagers, calling themselves VandaSec, showed Mirror Online evidence that appears to link at least three IS-supporting Twitter accounts to the Department of Work and Pensions’ London HQ.

These accounts were used by Islamic State to carry out online recruitment and spread their propaganda, and on 1st inspection seem to be based in Saudi Arabia, but when you use specialist tools to look deeper they appear to come from the DWP.

One of the VandaSec hackers asked Mirror Online: “Do not you think that is strange? We traced these accounts back to London UK, the home of the British intelligence services.”


The findings have got people wondering what is going on, are they accounts set up by MI5 to trap potential terrorists, or is someone from the DWP running pro Islamic State social media feeds? But The Mirror‘s investigations have led to another explanation, a series of unpublicised transactions that saw the United Kingdom sell a load of IP addresses to Saudi Arabia.

The government sold a number of their addresses to 2 Saudi Arabian firms in October this year, and they are now being used to spread Islamic State’s hate filled propaganda.

At 1st DWP denied owning the addresses, but computers expert Jamie Turner did a little digging and found records of the sales, findig a large amount were transferred to the Gulf state.

Turner told the addresses were likely to still show up as registered at the DWP because they could not been updated yet. And the government office has now admitted selling them to Saudi Telecom and the Saudi-based Mobile Telecommunications Company, telling they had no control over how the IP addresses are used.



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