Koenigsegg Agera R crashe in China

The Koenigsegg Agera R is one of the most rare cars in the world. Swedish automaker Koenigsegg has made just over 100 cars in two decades. As the result of a crash in Chongqing there is now one less of the rare car on the road. The $4.08 million car is being sent back to Sweden to be repaired. According to Global Car Wanted the Agera R was hit by another car and it can be assumed with the specs on the super car that speed may have exacerbated the damage with the Swedish auto hitting the guard rails several times. The Agera R, the model involved in the crash, boasts 960 hp on regular gas and up to 1160 hp if using E85 fuel. The damaged model was the 82nd Koenigsegg ever built, beginning as an Agera before returning to the factory for and upgrade to an Agera R.

Agera R

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