British woman trapped in Subway sandwich freezer for eight hours


A British woman was trapped inside a freezer at a Subway sandwich shop for about eight hours after the door slammed shut behind her. Staff member Karlee Daubeney was chilled to the bone after being locked inside over a night as she wrapped up her shift. Desperate Daubeney was reduced to writing frantic “help” message in ketchup and mayonnaise as the temperatures gone down. She was locked inside the store in Gloucester, England, as she put cartons of milk away around 11:15 p.m. and was not rescued until 7:30 a.m. next morning. “At first I was in panic and I was looking for anything that could have opened the door,” she told, reported The Sun.


“I was trying to write ‘help’ on one pieces of cardboard to slide under the door. I think it was with ketchup or mayonnaise I don’t remember.” Wearing only trousers and a thin Subway jersey, she quickly lost her energy and was left hoping she would survive as she came close to catching hypothermia. Also she added: “My muscles became so cold and I found it really hard to walk for a few days, I had migraines and dry skin around my nose.” Now the company that owns the franchise CM Ventures has been obligated with health and safety offenses.


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