Killer Usb – Destroys your computer in seconds

killer USB

A simple USB created by a Russian security researcher known as Dark Purple can instantly kill any machine it plugs into, including ur laptop or TV. The USB can destroy laptops and tvs by sending 220 volts through the signal lines of the USB interface. Dark Purple claims in a Russian-language blog post that the attack isn’t just limited to computers but can used to incapacitate almost anything provided with a USB drive. The examples he gives are smart phones that support USB mode, TVs, routers, etc. His goal, he writes, is to test prototypes of “devices that perform only one function the ruin of computers.” This is good news as it means hackers who get their hands on the USB won’t be able to wipe the data stored on ur computer’s hard drive which is probably more valuable to you or your business than the computer by itself. In the past hackers have used software lines of code that hide in a webpage or can be transmitted via text message to kill or crash phones. Security researcher warned, “Now another reason not to plug a USB stick of unknown origin into one of ur computers.”

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