Woman found dead with a gunshot wound

Stephanie Hernandez, 21, mother of two, posted snaps of herself and her boyfriend, Rafael Gonzalez, at the new house they were in the midst of moving into on Sunday. She snapped a photo of a gun and ammo in addition to a photo of Gonzalez pointing the gun at the back of her head with a “strap chat?” caption and another one where he points the gun at the camera.

Just a few hours later Hernandez was found dead with a gunshot wound, her house “ransacked” with the floor covered in blood, according to police. Arkansas’ KARK reports that Gonzalez, 20, was arrested on Monday and is being charged with Hernandez’s murder. According to local station KATV, a relative of Hernandez said the relationship between Hernandez and Gonzalez was “off and on.” Hernandez is survived by her daughters, a 3-year-old and a 8-month-old, currently being taken care of by Hernandez’s family. 

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